

This may come as a shock to you, but it’s estimated now that over half of individuals in their 80’s (and beyond) have some type of significant memory impairment. Like most chronic diseases some things are genetic and uncontrollable, but other factors can be positively manipulated by the decisions we make.
Cory Leman
February 18, 2021

Recently, I learned of a family friend who was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s disease. I watched my grandfather go through the same thing over the last few years of his life. It’s pretty gut wrenching.

I’m sure many of you can relate to how difficult such a disease can be. This may come as a shock to you, but it’s estimated now that over half of individuals in their 80’s (and beyond) have some type of significant memory impairment.

Like most chronic diseases some things are genetic and uncontrollable, but other factors can be positively manipulated by the decisions we make. Here are a few ways that research has shown you can support your brain health.

1. Sugar and refined carbs can cause pre-dementia and dementia, and diabetes which can impact memory. Cutting back on the processed junk and adding healthy fats can help prevent the disease and also aid in the reversal of damage!

2. Get some sleep. I know I harp on this a lot, but studies suggest that poor sleep patterns become a risk for cognitive decline as we age. 7-9 hours is a good goal, and even more if you are younger.

3. Prioritize physical activity and exercise. I’m probably not saying anything new with this one, but 30-60 minutes of activity can help prevent brain diseases.

4. Limit stress. Stress can shrink the hippocampus (which affects memory). When I learned this it came as a bit of a shock. It has certainly made me rethink prioritizing meditation, active recovery, relaxation, and prayer.

As always, reach out if you need help with any of these. If I can’t be the person who helps support you, I can perhaps direct you to the person that can!

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