3 reasons you're not flexible

3 reasons you're not flexible

Do you struggle with flexibility? Muscle tightness can result from many different things.
Cory Leman

Do you struggle with flexibility?

Muscle tightness can result from many different things.

Let's talk through three potential reasons you may deal with muscle tightness.

1. Postural issues. One of the main reasons this causes flexibility problems is because it can leave muscles in chronically shortened (and lengthened) positions. Modern society lends itself to sedentary positions. Our body is always trying to maintain its center of gravity; when frequently exposed to these sedentary positions, muscle length alters in order to accommodate.

2. Strength and stability deficits will lead to decreases in flexibility. Often times, this limited range of motion, as a result of a strength deficit, is our body's way of protecting itself. Think about trying to stretch your hamstrings. If you can't bend over and touch your toes, there is a good chance your body doesn't "feel safe" accessing that range of motion. In attempt to limit strain on the hamstring in a vulnerable position, the body will decrease range of motion. This is not a bad thing - often times it is likely protecting us from doing damage.

3. Your nervous system may be stuck in fight, flight or freeze. This can happen when we have feelings of perceived threat. This could be your body's response to a previous injury, pain when attempting certain ranges of motion, or even psychological fear associated with a movement.

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