

Did you know that exercise has been scientifically shown to make you happier, more productive, more resilient and less depressed?
Cory Leman
July 25, 2022

Did you know that exercise has been scientifically shown to make you happier, more productive, more resilient and less depressed?

If you could put the benefits of exercise in a pill, it would likely be the number one selling drug in the world.

Think about that for a second…

In a world where we are constantly looking for things to make us “feel better”, we have a proven method that helps reduce stress, improve brain elasticity, increase insulin sensitivity, decrease the risk of countless degenerative diseases, and so much more. We talk a lot about weight loss, and I’m all for it, but what about the fact that exercise is a more powerful anti-depressant than Prozac?At the end of the day who doesn’t want to be happier?

Clearly exercise is extremely beneficial…The challenge with exercise is making it “stick”. How can we engage in exercise consistently the same way we take our prescribed medications?

For starters, try to find someone who will hold you accountable. That could be a friend, a family member – or hey, that could be me and my team.

Second, it’s imperative that you schedule your exercise. Be realistic for a second…I’m busy…I’m sure you are busy…If it’s not scheduled, are you really going to do it? Yeah, didn’t think so.

If you know it’s tough for you engage, try starting with a micro commitment…10-15 minute walk, a few rounds of push ups and air squats, or some recreational sports.

Lastly, try to find something you enjoy…something that’s fun! Like all things in life, if you enjoy it, you’re more likely to stick with it.

Don’t wait any longer. Now is the time to get on the most powerful drug in the world – EXERCISE!

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